
Showing posts from 2014

Biography of Innovator

Ranjit Mirig Innovator of Manual Paddy Transplanter At/po- Gadamunda, Via – Remed, Block – Dhankauda Dist- Sambalpur  (ODISHA) Mob-7873937768, Email – Facing labour scarcity for transplanting paddy seedling in the field, Ranjit Mirig (60) developed a manual paddy transplanter to do the same.He developed the first prototype in 1986 and kept on modifying t till he could devlop a successful model in 2008. Facilitiated by NIF, the transplanter as been further modified with the help of IIT Kharagpur. Ranjit Mirig was born in a poor dalit farming family and could not study much because of financial problems. In 1986, after many years of having troubles in dealing with farm labourers for rice cultivation, he decided to make machine that can help him be independent. He was tired of labour costs, difficult labour management and unfair demands from labourers. He started work on a paddy transplanter then. It took him over 25 years to come up with a satisfa...

Video Links to view the paddy transplanter

Some of the video links of the view on working of paddy transplanter. Telecast Of paddy Transplanter by Doordarshan Manual paddy transplanter agriculture in odisha   WORK OF TRANSPLANTER HD   AWARDS RECIEVED BY RANJIT MIRIG   A video by DD of the manual paddy transplanter HD   INNOVATION of manual paddy transplanter HD   old transplanter by sri ranjit mirig   half acre of farmland transplantation by innovator ranjit mirig   demonstration of paddy transplanter by innovator ranjit mirig   an interview of innovator sri ranjit mirig ...

seventh awardees list

List of Awardees Lifetime achievement 1. Shri Annasab Udgave, Karnataka National I – Six awards presented to six individuals and two community representatives 1. Multipurpose Processing Machine - Dharamveer Singh Kamboj, Haryana 2. Bamboo stripper cum splinter (Joint) – Lalbiakzuala Ralte and Lalpiangliana Biakthuama Sailo, Mizoram and Paresh Panchal, Gujarat 3. Breathing-based apparatus – Susant Pattnaik, Orissa 4. Herbal preparation for controlling stem and fruit borer in paddy and vegetable crops – Kodarji Kaluji Pagi, Gujarat (Community) 5. Herbal medication to cure coccidiosis in birds - Smt. Oinam Ibetombi Devi and Smt. Yumnam Ibetombi Devi, Manipur (Community) 6. Natural water cooler and others - Arvindbhai Patel, Gujarat (Serial Innovator Award) National II – Four awards presented to five individuals (including one woman) 1. Tractor operated reaper windrower with reel - Bhagwan Singh Dangi, Madhya Pradesh 2. Improved variety of carrot - Smt. Santosh Pachar, Rajasthan 3. Herbal...

seventh awardees summaries

Posthumous Award Tree climber: a grassroots innovation going global Late M J Joseph alias Appachan Kannur, Kerala M J Joseph had developed a device under the guidance of his father that helps in climbing coconut or areca nut trees. The palm climber consists of two metal loops that are meant for holding the legs. A film made on his innovation by Discovery Channel is very popular on Recently, both the innovator and his father unfortunately passed away. NIF facilitated sale of his climber to customers in USA, Maldives, Thailand, Australia, Brazil, Mexico etc. His widow and brother are still continuing with the production of the climbers. Some of the state and other agencies copied it without any benefit sharing. Given the increasing labour constraints, its social value has much increased over time. Multi purpose processing machine Dharamveer Kamboj Yamuna Nagar, Haryana Extraction of juice/pulp, essential oils, etc., from various edible and non edible fruits and herbs is an ...

At the Exhibition at Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi

 Executive Vice Chairperson of NIF Anil Kumar Gupta  ChairPerson of NIF R.A Mashelkar President of India with R.A Mashelkar

Paddy's before Transplantation


Old Model of Paddy Transplanter


At the Collector Office Sambalpur, Odisha

 DDA, INNOVATOR & COLLECTOR at Collector Office, Sambalpur on 03 April 2013 DDO, DDA, INNOVATOR & COLLECTOR at Collector Office, Sambalpur on 03 April 2013

At Rashtrapati Bhawan

 A speech of Ranjit Mirig In front of Pratibha Patil  Exhibiting the transplanter to President Pranab Mukherjee   Exhibiting the transplanter to EX President Pratibha Patil  Innovator Ranjit Mirig With his Transplanter  Manual Paddy Transplanter Receiving Award from R.S Mashelkar Receiving Award

Block Level Award

This Block level award was recieved on 2012 for the innovation of Manual paddy transplanter by Ranjit Mirig of Dhankauda Block, Sambalpur Odisha.

state lvel award

This is the state level award recieved on the year 2012 for the innovation of manual paddy transplanter in odisha by Ranjit Mirig.

District Leve Award

This is the District level award received at Sambalpur on the year 2012.

certficate Recieved at Rashtrapati Bhawan

This is the Certieicate given by President of India to Ranjit Mirig at the award function at New Delhi.

Batch at Rashtrapati Bhawan

This is the Batch presented to Ranjit Mirig on the exhibition at Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi on 07 March 2013.

Award Profile Details

Name: Ranjit Mirig District: Sambalpur State: Orissa Category: Plant variety Award: State Description: Facing labour scarcity for transplanting paddy seedlings in the field, Ranjit Mirig (60) developed a manual paddy transplanter to do the same. He developed the first prototype in 1986 and kept on modifying it till he could develop a successful model in 2008. Facilitated by NIF, the transplanter has been further modified with the help of IIT Kharagpur. Ranjit Mirig was born in a poor Dalit farming family and could not study much because of financial problems. In 1986, after many years of having troubles in dealing with farm labourers for rice cultivation, he decided to make machine that can help him be independent. He was tired of labour costs, difficult labour management and unfair demands from labourers. He started work on a paddy transplanter then. It took him over 25 years to come up with a satisfactorily working model and the journey has been tough. In one of his poe...
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